Travel Talk Tuesdays 4/8: Worst Travel Experiences

Today's Topic: Worst Experiences! 1) What do you hate the most about traveling? I hate repacking my backpack. The moment I get to a hostel (or any other kind of accommodation), things come flying out of my bag as I rush to see my surroundings. It's like this everyday. Things- clothes, toiletries, shoes, books, towels, etc.- almost never return … Continue reading Travel Talk Tuesdays 4/8: Worst Travel Experiences

Streets and Scenes of Bogota

Colombia. Drugs. Violence. Guerrillas. Death. Corruption. There is a common misconception within the US- and other first world countries- that these words are synonymous. I decided to write my Master's thesis on La Violencia, or "The Violence", in Colombia to prove that this notion was terribly false. From 1948 to 1958, the country experienced a massive … Continue reading Streets and Scenes of Bogota

Seattle’s Fremont Troll

This past summer, one of my best friends and I set on a road trip in my car, whom I affectionately call "Betsey". I'd been wanting to take this trip for years. I'd done the south-bound trip on the I-5 in California far too many times, and wanted something different. With the windows rolled down, the … Continue reading Seattle’s Fremont Troll

The Truth about Travel Addiction

Addiction. It's a strong word. It is also very, very much overused and, in my opinion, not taken seriously enough anymore. People commonly refer to themselves playfully as "shopaholics", "chocoholics", and so on. "I'm so addicted to that show!" "I'm totally addicted to cat memes!" "OMG, I have a major shoe addiction!" Sure. You like something- … Continue reading The Truth about Travel Addiction

On the Road to Penang

On the road again- this time from Kuala Lumpur up north to Penang. The bus I sit in is quite comfortable and air-conditioned- a bit more luxurious than I’m used to. The winding path that takes us through Penang is overwhelming- inundated, lush verdure.  It seems the trees may come in and reach into the bus, brush against me, … Continue reading On the Road to Penang

Why Chronology and I Don’t Get Along

Chronology. According to world-wide web's Merriam-Webster dictionary, it is defined as such: 1. the order in which a series of events happened 2. a record of the order in which a series of events happened 3. a science that deals with measuring time and finding out when events happened Now, if you've been reading my blog long enough, … Continue reading Why Chronology and I Don’t Get Along

Returning to the City of Lost Angels

One night at the condo in Lake Tahoe, after being surrounded by the stark beauty of snow, I gathered my toiletries and headed downstairs to brush up for bed. As I looked into the mirror, I stared at my reflection with utter detachment. Sure, there was the same long brown hair I was used to, the … Continue reading Returning to the City of Lost Angels

Random Thought of the Day- Bukowski’s Fragrance

Sitting here in the cafe, an old, obese, grey haired man with a plaid flannel shirt and holey sweatpants hobbles in past me, the pungent smell of body odor, alcohol, and days-old-underwear suffocates me.  He sits down, scribbles something on a piece of college-lined paper, holds it up to the light to focus his eyes upon it, and … Continue reading Random Thought of the Day- Bukowski’s Fragrance