Do You Have What it Takes to Travel Alone?

Yes, I had traveled alone to Zihuatanejo, Mexico to visit my loser ex-boyfriend, and I had already saved up a year's worth of income to move to Buenos Aires, Argentina, where I had a volunteer program waiting for me.  But this was different.  Here I was, completely alone, hung over from the Halloween party the night before, … Continue reading Do You Have What it Takes to Travel Alone?

To a Wandering Soul, Dirty Animals Need Love, Too.

I've often been accused of caring about animals more than people.  (After all, I'm a vegetarian-turned-vegan and an animals-rights supporter.  Or so the arguments have gone.)  While this couldn't be further from the truth at this point in my life, there have been times where I was a die-hard misanthrope that wanted to be a … Continue reading To a Wandering Soul, Dirty Animals Need Love, Too.

Politik Kills: Reasons Why Mitt Romney Frightens Me

It surprises me that, up to this point, I've refrained from writing much about politics. After all, politics control everything in our lives, including education, health care, human rights, food, and economy. Politics can decide every last detail of our existence, including whether or not we are allowed to leave our country or visit foreign land. … Continue reading Politik Kills: Reasons Why Mitt Romney Frightens Me

On Turning 30

Like so many people I know, and I'm sure many I don't, turning thirty is something that has gotten my brain stirred up in a major way.  Tomorrow I will officially leave behind my twenties, and will enter into an age that demands clear-headedness and responsibility.  I'm not sure how well I will fit those expectations I have … Continue reading On Turning 30