Do You Have What it Takes to Travel Alone?

Yes, I had traveled alone to Zihuatanejo, Mexico to visit my loser ex-boyfriend, and I had already saved up a year's worth of income to move to Buenos Aires, Argentina, where I had a volunteer program waiting for me.  But this was different.  Here I was, completely alone, hung over from the Halloween party the night before, … Continue reading Do You Have What it Takes to Travel Alone?

To a Wandering Soul, Dirty Animals Need Love, Too.

I've often been accused of caring about animals more than people.  (After all, I'm a vegetarian-turned-vegan and an animals-rights supporter.  Or so the arguments have gone.)  While this couldn't be further from the truth at this point in my life, there have been times where I was a die-hard misanthrope that wanted to be a … Continue reading To a Wandering Soul, Dirty Animals Need Love, Too.